It's hard to believe that the Holidays are right around the corner. Stores in New York like to jump-start holiday shopping with festive windows immediately after Halloween. One of my favorite window theme trends is the "handmade" look - probably started by Anthropologie (which reminds me - need to go check them out!). So I was pleasantly surprised by the tastefully simple white rose and snow flake designs Sephora created for theirs. These were shot at the new location in the Meatpacking District of NYC - which I highly recommend visiting. It's uber chic with black surfaces throughout that showcase artwork like "Flamenco Tornado", a distorted Flamenco dress-sculpture by E.V. Day, and Chihuly-inspired light fixtures (this may actually be a Chihuly piece - I just can't verify it :( ). I was asked not to photograph inside, so we will just have to make due with their windows :)