The other night I went to reportage another dance at the Midsummer Night Swing at Lincoln Center. On this occasion, Orchestre Septentrional d'Haiti was performing. They are a Haitian Jazz (jazz means band in Haiti) group that has been around for 50+ years (members alternate). I was so excited to see a band from Haiti. They were amazing - great Konpa Music that evoked vibrant colors. Unfortunately I could only see one drummer from my vantage point, so I mostly watched the crowd. And there I found the other main attraction - HAIR.
That's right. There were some of the most incredible coifs there that night. Hair that looked like it had not been out of the closet since the Cuban Revolution!
My friends, April and Jennifer, are witnesses to this. What you are about to see is a true account of HAIR AT LINCOLN CENTER!

I'm sure some major contra ban hairspray was liberally applied to achieve such heights. Marie Antoinette would have swooned!

My friend April and I were particularly baffled by the complexity of one “do”. There was the now expected frontal bouffant, but amazingly to the side and back there was a quick cut to the cerebellum. Now highlighting this area of the brain may have been an attempt to send a message. Like “I have good motor control”. This knowledge could be useful to future dance partners. Or maybe she ran out of hairspray and turned to hair-flattening gel. Quite the mystery!
The more I thought of this hairstyle, the more it seemed like a solid physical structure. Let’s break this down, shall we?

And when these ladies hit the dance floor the true genius of coif engineering was in action. Everything was moving but the hair. Like a mini earthquake, but none of the buildings fell.

Vibrant music. Personalities galore. Just what a Midsummer dance is for.